Man, 48y
48 years old, Man
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The One Genitalia Scar Bandit that is now possibly 7 s old a 57years long story of a runaway person.The 1963 Fugitive Pilot television series shows a Helen Kimball that is heavily with anesthesia with her husband Dr. Richard Kimball breaking the news to a Helen Kimball she gave boyth to a StillBorn step son.and goes off drinking martinis before Dr. Richard Kimball leaves to cool off. But other movies show whom got into a fight with or about their step and a possible of one step in the groin so The Real Fugitive has a groin area stab wound scar, possible dysfunctional penis and possibly has no testicles if the boy was tried in 1963 and the male boy fucked his step than one man has been totally castrated and somebody upstairs has a beef with one guy over a severe perversion with his own step Therefore the real name of the stillborn boy was Richard Kimball like piano because a certain Helen i know had a house full of pianos.and doesnt Vinnie vincent vega Pulp Fiction describe a dickless piece of when buying some heroin from eric stoltz. so that means one man has a severely scarred 's Arm holding an apple.Or doesnt have a thiird arm 's arm holding an apple. and so that means One Man on planet earth has a stab wound scar in his genital groin area in which he recieved from his step when the step witnessed his older step trying to be a all raise our glasses to our guest of honor miss everly kimberly.oh, i cannot tell you all how deeply touched i am. i never imagined that i would be the object of such genuine affection.it makes it all more difficult for me to say what i am now not going to say. yes, i do believe after 57years The 1963to1967 Fugitive Television story after 57years it's time to set the record sraight.u see i didnt come here just as a Delta Special Ops operative, Nurse Stormy Daniels.i came back to this website to help settle a 57year old Score.what you dont know is that deceased Mary Weaver's step was a brilliant man.but what you dont know is Mary Weaver's step was named Helen, and there is a complete absolute 7 old Dodo Bird Tyrant of a man pissing everyone off.according to The Fugitive Pilot in September 1963 Helen was told she gave boyth to a stillborn step son.and the second act it caused Helen Kimball to drink which dr richard kimball sanely left for a drive to cool off being Dr Kimball was talking about adoption to a woman that gave boyth to a still born step son.27 prince street Rays Pizza 2129661960 closed after 50years and mary weavers step was helen kimball and dr ray kimball was mary weavers step and the phone number to a closed down nyc pittzaria is a combination of dr ray kimballs day and year ray kimball mary weavers step was born june 22nd 1906 as Rays Pizza 27prince street once suggested.so according to 1963's The fugitive mini series television show and 1992 movie with harrison ford, and some other movie stories, there really is possibly a real back story about a young male whom attempted to fuck his step and got and somewhere on this one male's body probably in the genitalia area as Hannibal Lecter Suggests, one man that ran away from home to 57years ago and is now 7 s old has a possible knife wound scar from being in the genitalia 57years ago for being caught attempting to fuck his own step Raging Bull the whole robert deniro and joe pesci go fuck your mutha did you fuck your step wife bit. it's about a step whom had a step son that attempted to fuck his own step and the step son got in the groin. hence one male 57years ago got a nice knife wound incident scar in his genitalia.Forensic Evidence in Hollywood Movies 1988 Big Tom Hanks, Hannibal Lecter, Silence of The Lambs, Porkys, 1973 rober duvall, 1985 Witness Harrison Ford Kelly Mcgillis charlie from TopGun, all suggest that there is a Real LifeFugitive named Don Wayne Bobbit donald trump, whom in 1963 attempted to be sexual with Helen , and mary l weaver is helen 's daugher and helen is my step grandma whom once resided at 604east monroe street delphi indiana 46923, and Forensic Hollywood Movie Evidence with Stormy Daniels testimony suggest that donald trump is Don Wayne Bobbit and ran away in 1963 after recieving a near fatal wound in the genital area and stomach with a knife and possibly a few times for attempting to sexually torment a woman name helen . and do you know why Hannibal Lecter renamed Donald Trump and nicknamed Donald trump, Don Wayne Bobbit? the newspapers wont say. and if donald trump dont stop sending letters of plaigarized from paula white and ewtn 5817 old leeds road alabama 35210 then it's time we rip Donald Trumps pants down to see if donald trump has a 57year old scar wound area from being several times with a pocket knife after attempting to fuck his step helen . River Runs Through it shows a fight, but other forensic info revealed in movies suggest Donald Trump is a real dickless piece of whom only might have had plastic surgery to recieve a penis because forensic data shows that for 57years there has been a severely wounded man waltzing around america whom got in 1963 over a sexual offense. which thee actual bible does discuss in The Book Of Corinthians that one male is hunted and hated by the step son of god jordan spieth over a severe perversion with his own step and that it is unlawful for a male to pursue his step sexually, and that leaves donald trump as the only suspect to a real possible indiana crime made famous in the 1963 Fugitive Television series that lasted until 1967. and tom hagen robert duvall mirrors donald trump as being by new york city relatives. and hannibal lecter movies show that its posssible don wayne bobbit got in the groin and stomach and so there would be some kind of scar in donald trumps groin and stomach and possibly donald trump lost part of his penis in the knife and has a fucked up penis that even plastic surgeons cant fix and then donald trump went on to be a homosexual testtube maker asshole with an unsettled beef to get solved. and if donald trump dont stop then we get to open a can of whoop ass on donnie trump for being a fuckface asshole to everybody. also Avy Scott in Puba's Avy Scott website if you Join PUba.com Avy Scott has a film scene with a story of a homeless guy whom is always at her guest house but she never catches the homeless guy before she can do anything. Is one of the photos of Jim Caviezel River Phoenix Jordan Spieth the Homeless guy Avy Scott does an interview on PUba.com avy scott site about? catch my drift i am not staying in the united states, so some attorney can put all of my american assets up for sale so i can cash out of the united states, get a passport, a one way ticket, because i refuse to have some religious bitch named paula white sending me donald trump envelopes of plaigarized to my house. and by the paula white owes me millions and millions of dollars in a gambling streak where i placed monetary bets on certain sports events and won. the sole reason i do not wish to remain in the united states is over teenage surgeries done of both male teens and female teens, notice if you see the scar rita faltoyano has always had since her porn debut in 1996, rita faltoyano has always had a peculiar scar as if she had a teenage appendectomy only after they used anesthesia on rita faltoyano, they got access to her fallopian tubes to steal female eggs and the only reason why they perform appendectomies on females or teen females and create scars in the appendix fellopian tube area would be to steal human female eggs in which to create ready made frozen embryos.and lots of male teens had teen tonsilectomies and what they do to male teens is a male teen to surgery in which after the male teen is anesthesized by some anesthesia , and they shove an equine or bovine electroejaculator up the anesthesized teen male ass to collect sperm then 30years after a bunch of teens from around the woyld world have been by church people, and employers, and governments, and politicians, because paula white and other religious bull sects groups, send bull prayer lettters that are really something these afraid people do to scare the teens male teens and female teens whom grew up and then old paula white and donald trump relentlessly send bull letters to try to make people pay and people to pay support on already created testtube babies or them to pay for ready made embryos. but not one male teen or female teen ever was told the truth as to why they had to recieve one of three surgeries either a tonsilectomy, an appendectomy, or spleenectomy spleen removal if it was a teenage car accident. for instance years ago jerry garcia was in a carcrash for all we know jerry garcia had a spleenectomy and then after years of touring saw too many concert goers with testtube babies so after jerry garcia saw too many females with testtube and the females never had regular guy friends or husbands, on stage and it was called the 1986coma. so none of us want a jerk off asshole donald trump people to believe in a payments to people whom have created ready made embryos or testtube babies. therefore i would like to put all my american assets up for sale, and i think paula white and donald trump should be to pay me millions for some gambling wins i won, and therefore i would like to apply to brazil as a citizen and i will disown america too over the medical teen surgeries i have had and the bull people i have had up my ass for 24years. and i will apply for citizenship in russia too. and i aint gonna open my door, talk to anyone unless i get a great big fat briefcase or luggage suitcase full of about 3million dollars cold hard cash look i am not putting up with anyones bull . and i aint certainly putting up with donald trumps bull of paula whites bull . also donald trump and paula white also need to stop bothering me with their religious mail over 1999october in case you dont know, the reason i have been to live at home for 25years is due to my having had a tonsilectomy when i was in 1988.in 1999october my parents had a mysterious accident and filed all kinds of false criminal charges because my step was employed as a labratory employee at Home Hospital Lafayette indiana and had access to frozen testtubes and when donald trump wants to upset everyone, donald trump whips secret frozen testtube stashes they keep after you have a teen surgery and when cops kikes courts want to piss everyone off they simply have anyone they want jailed or imprisoned because they can drop testtubes that have been frozen and create a fake crime scene. in 1999october my parents had a hotel party and took 1988frozen testtubes and had a party and it has been a 20year lawsuit in which paula white and donald trump along with other religious fuckfaces keep up through ponzi mail that paula white sends on behalf of george donald trump kellogg. so i am fucking americans and america back by i would love to sell off all my american assets, and i feel i have a right to paula white and donald trump to pay me millions in back mail gambling wins i won, and then i will be finding a new country to live in and start life over in. due to the fact you boomers are guilty of stick ups on your teens to collect specimen from male teens and female teens tocreate ready made frozen embryos which donald trump loves to seem to create and then has a bunch of surrogate white trash lesbians surrogate artificially created embryos and after these bastard artificial created babies are ed bitch ass woman like paula white and other phony religious clergy try to play mail box baseball in which these people try to people to give money to artificially created babies in the gay homo community and the gay lesbian community since gays adopt all these ready made surrogated artificially created testtube babies. and russia would be nice actually since russia has a no tolerance policy on any kind of homosexual protests or homosexuals having any freedoms so i would rather disown america and sell all of my american assets off to live in russia where you can legally hate homosexuals and legally have no tolerance of homosexuals of any kind and russia would be nice because russia has no tolerance on homosexuals having any freedoms. so kiss my ass.April 15th 2019 through April 21st 2019 Commander In Chief Jon Rahm John The Baptist is not at the april 15th-april 21st south carolina Hilton Head RBC pga tour event jon rahm is not on the roster for 2019 RBC at hilton head golf pga media televised event. The European PGA Tour does not have a scheduled televised event the week of April 15th thru April 21st 2019. And the European PGA Tour does not resume play until Trophee Hassan II Morocco which is scheduled for April 22nd-April 28th 2019 so final 4th round action of The Trophee Hassan II Morocco European PGa tour is sunday april 28th 2019. so Jon Rahm is not on either pro golf tour the united states or the european because the european golf doesnt have an event the week of april 15th-april21st. and Jon Rahm's name spells an anagram like Hannibal lecter louis friend iron sulfide. Jon Rahm's anagram spells, John Rodriguez Rahm spells an anagram of Herod.
Last update: 5 years ago